RESOLUTION 22-01-01 - For the transfer of funds from General Fund into Fire & Rescue Fund
RESOLUTION 22-02-01 - Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Maguire Iron, Inc. for Water Tower replacement in the Village of Sherwood, Ohio
R-22-03-01 - For the transfer of funds from the general fund into the Parks and Recreation Fund
RESOLUTION 22-05-01 - For the transfer of funds from the general fund into the Refuse Fund
RESOLUTION 22-05-01 - For the Employment of a Solicitor for the Village of Sherwood, Ohio
RESOLUTION 22-06-01 - For the Transfer of Funds From the General Fund into the Parks and Recreation Fund
RESOLUTION 22-09-01 - Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.
RESOLUTION 22-10-01 - Transfer of funds from the general fund into the parks and recreation fund.
RESOLUTION 22-12-01 - Authorize approval to the Defiance County Commissioners for the award of North Harrison St improvements project to Miller Contracting Group, Inc.
RESOLUTION 22-12-02 - Transfer of funds from the General Fund into the Park, Fire and Rescue, EMS, Water Revenue and Sewer Revenue Fund